Mass User Manual



Hello, and welcome! Mass is a physics-based MIDI sequencer, modulator, and animator that enables deep exploration of MIDI event generation. While it inherently invites experimentation and discovery, it does have its own language and ruleset that are helpful to understand. This manual is a tool for understanding the underlying nature of the system.

Please note that this manual is a living document, which can and will be updated over time. Corrections will be made as needed, and additions will be made as the app evolves. Feel free to revisit any time the app is updated and expanded!

How to use this manual

This manual is not made to read linearly. You can use the navigation on the left panel to jump around to any area of interest. Most sections contain links to any other relevant sections. Mass is made to explore and experiment, so feel free to come back to specific sections when you need specific information.

Where to start

If you're just getting going with Mass, start with Core Concepts and Navigating Mass. These sections provide the basic vocabulary and UI details. This may be enough to get you up and running!